Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Here are some of the pavements I've biked over lately:


Unknown said...

Yes that is Dutch ground you bike on! How is your new house coming along?
CU, Duncan

Scott said...

Those are some shiny chromed handlebars that you've got there, Mr. Mike.

On an unrelated note, I'm hoping to get a world view on something: are pie charts America-centric? Apple Pies and Baseball are, after all, the two American stereotypes. We Americans are taught to use pie charts as a visualization tool. My (somewhat random) wondering is whether cultures that are less pie-centric have other, perhaps food-related, plotting styles. Do Mexicans have taco charts? I'd be particularly excited to hear about a German Pretzel chart, should one exist. If not, I should probably file a patent post-haste.



ljc said...

these are shaping up to be a really nice calendar project!